Justice Ronald B. Moreno, DCL
Judge Jonathan M. Agnes, DCL
John Francis N. Dela Victoria
Atty. Marlo V. Destura, LLM, DCL
Atty. Marrianne G. Reginaldo, LLM
Atty. Alden Reuben B. Luna. LLM
Dr. Philip L. Fuentes
Written within the pages of the second volume of the UST Law Journal is the unswerving vision, intellect, and integrity of the UST Graduate School of Law to advance the frontiers of legal understanding. This Journal is not merely theses and dissertations – these works stand as a beacon of this mission.
This Journal owes its existence to the authors who generously contributed their research and expertise, the mentors who enriched their boundless enthusiasm, and the editorial board who relentlessly worked to bring this publication to life. Not only are your contributions valued, but they are also the foundation of this journal.
Each word in this publication breaks the silence of ideas and encourages an unyielding quest for knowledge. As long as there is something new to learn, we become someone better and capable of change. Through words, we build character. Through character, we build a system of an ever-evolving legal community.
Yet, charting a path in this journey toward knowledge is not always uphill. Daunting obstacles test our commitment and passion for scholarship. There is always a demand to be resilient and to push forward. The advantage we hold is that learning is limitless and that going forward is always possible.
We are empowered by the spirit of academia, with the UST Law Journal furthering our commitment to the everlasting pursuit of knowledge and excellence. We not only celebrate the dedication to the past but also serve as an inspiration for the future, where we become part of the legacy of the legal profession and the UST Graduate School of Law.
Ad iustitiam et pacem,
Jacqueline O. Lopez-Kaw, DCL
13 November 2024
Welcome to this 2024 Online Issue of The UST Law Journal, where we continue our commitment to providing thoughtful and rigorous analysis of the most pressing legal questions of our time. In this edition, we explore a diverse range of topics that reflect the ever-evolving landscape of law, from emerging constitutional debates to the latest developments in judicial reform governance and international human rights.
As we publish this issue, our field is at a critical juncture. Legal practitioners, policymakers, and scholars are grappling with complex challenges—from the intersection of law and critical legal philosophies to the shifting dynamics of ethics, judicial reform, and economic implications in an increasingly globalized world. This journal aims to serve as a forum for cutting-edge research, fostering dialogue among those who seek to understand, shape, and respond to these challenges.
We are particularly excited to feature a series of articles that delve into topics of great contemporary relevance, such as strengthening Filipino’s cultural heritage, the governance structure of the criminal justice system and judicial reforms, the evolving narrative on constitutional change, legal-philosophical norms of public morality, and the notion of justice. These contributions advance academic discourse and provide valuable insights for legal practitioners, academe, and jurists navigating the practical realities of law in today’s fast-paced, interconnected society.
As always, we are grateful to our contributors for their expertise and dedication and to our Editorial Board for their tireless efforts in bringing this issue to fruition. Through their hard work and commitment, we can continue to produce a journal that meets the highest standards of scholarship and impact.
With its foundational commitment to encouraging broader discussions through diverse legal perspectives, this issue aims to foster deeper insights for the Philippine legal community. We hope this issue sparks thoughtful reflection and inspires new avenues for inquiry in the legal profession. Thank you for your continued readership and support.
December 5, 2024
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